Friday, July 23, 2010

July 23, 2010

MAN is it HOT OUT.. WOW.. I was looking for someone with a swimming pool but unfortunately they're all at work so no pool for me today. But My daughter, Sandi, (30) took me to the waterpark on Tues. Now let me explain, I haven't been to a pool, waterpark, beach, etc for over 20yrs so This was a HUGE Experience for me to even put a bathing suit on.. Surprisingly enough It Fit (maybe even a little big) but I was glad it wasn't small. SO Off to the Waterpark we went. I'm on crutches so I wasn't able to climb those stairs to go on the waterslides or anything fancy but I was able to get into the "LazyRiver" where they have tubes of all sizes that go around and around this path of water and all you do is just relax and enjoy the ride.. After 3 rotations around the path, I got bored and wanted more action SO Off to the Pool part of the park. It's VERY Small and only goes to 5ft but It was nice to be in the cool water on a hot day. I even got some sunburn which I haven't had in years. SO While we were in the Pool part, I decided I wanted to go Underwater but I didn't just want to take a dip so while my daughter stood and watched, I did a FLIP in the water.. Yup, I went all the way around and got up out of the water with my daughter laughing hysterically... I had a BLAST !!!
My daughter & I both laughed most of the day and I really did enjoy spending that time with my babygirl. Thanks Sandi <3
Anyway, She was hungry and I could of eaten so we got out of the pool and went to see what they had that I could actually eat. Hamburgers (nope too dry), Chicken fingers, (nope too fried & greasy) Ahh they had grilled cheese or tuna.. I opted for the tuna on whole wheat but of course I'm still not good with bread (hence the reason I didn't do the grilled cheese) so I ate 1/2 of the sandwich (just the tuna) and took the other 1/2 home for my lunch the next day. I wish the day never ended but of course my daughter had to get home to my Grandson and her fiance so She dropped me off at home and I fell fast asleep as I was exhausted. All in All It was a GREAT DAY and I can't wait to do it again.. SOON I HOPE..

Sunday, July 4, 2010


HAPPY 4th, and HAPPY BIRTHDAY to My Grandson Jayden who turned 2 Today. Sorry Grandma wasn't with you this year. It was 103 at 2pm here in NJ and OMG its HOT so I stayed inside all day. I DID go to my mom's for Sunday Dinner but only ate a few bites of the cheese from the baked ziti. I just can't eat her food anymore. Its NOT her cooking, its my stomach. It just doesn't want that type of eating anymore. I did buy me & my dad some lobsters the other day, I ate the meat in the legs but the tail part I still have and have tried a piece here and there.. HATE to throw out Lobster meat.

Well I Never did get that MRCD (mri) because the same thing happened with the heat in my stomach. The tech seems to think it could be the staples heating up. (WHO KNOWS?) but they stopped the test. Anyway No Idea where I go from here.. but I See My Gastric Bypass Dr on Friday and we'll see what he says. I AM Able to eat tiny amounts but its definitely not enough to keep me going without the use of vitamins. I still can't get the protein drinks down. OMG they're terrible tasting and the textures are just too gross to be able to swallow. Never had a problem getting anything down my throat before but now, I'm extremely picky about what I put in my mouth. It has to not only taste good but be a certain consistency for me to be able to swallow. I Sure hope that changes. I really don't regret having the Gastric Bypass Surgery, but I do regret not being able to eat my favorite foods or drink my favorite drinks. I HATE diet snapple, I hate sugar free drinks.. I want my normal taste buds back but then of course I wouldn't have lost 80lbs in 3 months. So I'm thankful for that but after 3 months, the sugar free drinks just don't taste the same as they did. I was able to drink them in the beginning but now, I just can't do it so I'm stuck with Ice Cold Water OR V8 Juice but only the one with the blue label (essential anti oxidents) because it has less sugars and it tastes good as long as its cold. So That's where I am now. Sitting home on the 4th of July, by myself watching the Moulin Rouge on HBO. I'll turn on the TV to the local station to watch the Fantastic Firework Show in NY or Phila. Both are Fabulous and worth watching in person but since I'm not there.. The TV Will have to do. I really want to wish my Grandson a Wonderful Birthday and I hope He thinks that the Fireworks & Celebrations are for him Each Year.. He's a Happy Little Guy and I Pray He stays that way Forever. HAPPY 234th BIRTHDAY AMERICA and HAPPY 2nd BIRTHDAY JAYDEN.. GRANDMA LOVES YOU <3