Sunday, June 20, 2010

Why is this So Hard ? or Happy Fathers Day ?

OK So I spent this weekend, Friday & Saturday, in the ER of my local hospital. I'm unable to keep anything down. Not water, Not food, No sugar free jello, Not broth.. NOTHING.. And I feel like death warmed over. SO I had to go, My Son, Chris, took me. Poor kid was exhausted but he didn't hesitate to sit there while they decided what they were doing with me. At 3am I finally sent him home as they were keeping me overnight anyway. They took blood, hooked me up to an IV and did some Xrays.
I assume the Xrays were OK since noone said anything about them, but My Blood work came back with an elevated Bilirubin. Which means I could have a stone in my gallbladder. However, since my Gallbladder was removed back in the 80's, they said I could have a stone in my bile ducts. OR I could have a problem with my liver which is Definitely NOT GOOD as I already have Hepatitis C but until now its been Non Reactive. I also have Low Potassium which also isn't a good thing.
I definitely felt better after the day of being in the Emergency room overnight, when they had me hooked up to the IV. I assume its because I was getting fluids in me and I wasn't vomiting. But Now, I'm home 1 day and I feel really bad.
I did manage to keep down some mashed potatoes. But the after effects are constant burping and even some stomach spasms but it did stay down so that was a plus. I did call my GB Dr and he sent me out some nausea medications, IF they don't work by tomorrow, I will be go up North to his hospital and be admitted, I can't afford to keep this going as I'm already not eating too much so Anything less and especially no Fluids, isn't a good combination and It could have fatal effects on me so I NEED to be vigilant and stay on top of this. So that's How I Spent my Fathers Day. I Did Happen to see my Dad today. That's where I ate the mashed So that's it for now...Going back to lay down.. To be continued.....

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